DAREcember: Putting style back into the silly season

darecember fox in flats style dare 2014

By Andrea Michelle

introducing DAREcember 2014!

It’s the culmination of over three years of Style Dares on Fox in Flats where we’ve been challenging ourselves to step out of our style comfort-zones, haul ourselves out of our fashion ruts, shake off our day-to-day uniforms, and spice things up a little.

The idea is simple: to experiment with hair, beauty and fashion and rock a different style every day for a month.


Why DAREcember?

December is such an exciting time of year, filled with loved ones and the tingly anticipation of The Big Day.

And it’s also a month where it’s easy to get caught up in the silliness: the social engagements, the menu plans, the shopping, the wrapping, and OMG the diplomacy! Diplomatically navigating away from tipsy Simon from Accounts at the work Christmas party; diplomatically explaining to little ones why they may not get that elephant they really want for Christmas; and diplomatically navigating social obligations with our well-meaning relies. And so, more often than not, the focus is on everyone else, and there’s little time for ourselves.

DAREcember is a fun way to put the focus back on you, in little ways, each day throughout the silly season.”

here’s how to play:

To join in, simply check the daily Style Dare from the list below and wear it your way. Share your styling handiwork on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram #DAREcember @FoxinFlats

DAREcember Fox  in Flats Style Dare 2014



tips, ideas and inspiration for each daily style dare



1. Stacked up

Try bracelets, cuffs and a wristwatch dancing together on your wrist, a pile of necklaces, or a bunch of rings. But however you do it, stack ’em high!

Related posts:

How to throw an awesome ‘Arm Party’

The quick, easy way to modernise your look using jewellery you already have


2. Braided

Because your 10 year old niece is better at this than you, and that’s not cool.

Related posts:

6 of the quickest braids in town

The easiest braid for a complete novice

The 60-second Backyard Blake Braid


3. To the max

Go long, go big, go over the top!

How to avoid flashing your boobs in a maxi this summer

7 easy ways to start wearing your Summer maxi, now

15 ways to style a black maxi, whatever the season

5 tips for wearing a maxi when you’re a mini


4. Orange kisses

Spotted on the catwalk at Donna Karan, Prabal Gurung, Christian Siriano, Rag & Bone, and DKNY, it’s one of the hottest makeup trends of 2014. The kicker? It’ll whiten your teeth, and wake up your whole look. Try Revlon Orange FlipMAC Morange, or if you’re really daring, Chanel Rouge Allure ‘Exentrique’.


5. Double denim

The easy way to get this right is by combining contrasting shades of denim – think light and dark. Tip: Darker shades down below are more slimming.

Related posts:

Fox up your jeans {Pinterest}


6. Gold

Gold is a fast-track to glamour, so today play with golden eyeshadow or nailpolish, drape yourself with gilded accessories, make a statement with a gold sequin skirt or pants like mine in this post, or treat yourself to a pair of great sunnies like these.

Related posts:

Blame this on the girl who works down the street

The one question that’ll help you discover what you REALLY want

Four fresh essentials for Spring


7. Beachy

You don’t need to have sand between your toes to pull this off. Just think loose, fresh, and natural.

Related posts:

3 hairstyles with your hair straightener in less than 3 minutes

Low-key braids from NYFW

How to style wet hair (without looking like you were just too lazy to blowdry it)


8. In the wild

Work it like a neutral and wear it with a snarl. Here’s some wild ways to work it into your look, and be inspired by these tiger mamas on the street.


9. All black

Chic, slimming, and a great camouflage for bumps, lumps and Vegemite stains.

Related post:

How to wear black without looking like a mama in mourning


10. Pinned on

The antique brooch your Nana wore to your parents’ wedding. The Cure badge you bought at your first concert. That enamel pin you discovered in a thrift store. And the precious lady-bug brooch your mum gave you when you were five. Cluster in themes, and scatter liberally.

Related posts:

19 ways to wear brooches, buttons and badges

55 MORE ways to wear brooches, buttons and pins


11. His

His shirt, his jeans, or his tie. Steal it, work it (and if you love it, keep it!).

Related posts:

5 Things Of His You Should Steal

Style his favourite band Tee


12. Brightest

Break out your brightest, most colourful outfit today and dance – because I’ll betcha it’ll make you happy!

Related posts:

Breaking out the colour!


13. Killer heels

We’re talking the kinda heels you’d be willing to die for. Bang! Bang!

Related post:

5 tips for surviving a night out in your ‘skyscrapers’


14. Bare back

Flashing cleavage? Too obvious.

Flashing a midriff? Too 80’s and also, after a certain age, just ‘no!’.

But flashing a bit of back is an easy – and flattering – way to play peek-a-boo without making anyone blush or needing to to avert their eyes. Baby got back!


15. Vintage

Time to dust off that treasure from the antique store, that special something from your Grandma, or a pre-loved bargain.

Related post:

5 tips for bagging a thrift store bargain


16. Ring bling

Add a zip of colour and originality to your outfit and get those digits dancin’!

Related post:

Rings on her fingers, and bells on her toes…


17. Mixed prints

A stripe with a floral? A check with a spot? Get creative and create a fashion mash-up!

Related post:

How to mix prints without looking like you got dressed in the dark


18. Curves

‘Tis the season for embracing your curves. Whether you’ve a shapely bottom, a bountiful bosom, or you’re lucky enough to have a baby bump, get ‘em out and flaunt it! Need a little help in that department? Fake it with your favourite push-up bra or shapewear and prepare to stop traffic.

Related posts:

If Spanx are “the work of the devil,” I’ll see you in hell

27 dresses for 12 body shapes, sizes and stages

7 Style Strategies for Women with Small Breasts


19. Cats eyes

The sunglass shape du jour and a hot makeup trend this year. So bust out your black liquid eyeliner and get your kitty on.

Related posts:

10 ways with black eyeliner

Cats eye sunglasses that’ll get you purring


20. Rock out!

Backstage pass at the ready for an outfit that screams “I’m with the band!”

Related posts:

Sarah McLeod tells: How to dress rock

“Woah, Oh Oh, Sweet Child O’Miiiiiyine!”


21. Product free

Strip it back with no makeup and no hair product. Deodorant is an exception. 😉

Related posts:

10 top tips for smoother, fresher, sexier skin

Averaging 5 hours sleep yet my skin looks younger.


22. Off the cuff

The short-cut to nonchalance, a couple of simple folds of fabric on a sleeve or pant can create a whole new silhouette. So get folding.

Related posts:

Pull yourself together with this EASY styling trick

Converse + cuffs = cool


23. Going UP

Maybe it’s your hair, maybe your skirt-length, or even your socks for a geeky-chic look. Just get closer to heaven.

Related posts:

Two minute hair twister

5 pigtail hairstyles you can wear without being confused for your daughter

Top 10 fast favourite hairstyles

The 1-minute hairdo for thick, fine AND out-of-control hair


24. Baubles

Why should the tree get all the fun? Adorn yourself with your favourites – the bigger and shinier the better.


25. Red lipstick

It’s Christmas Day, and a swipe of red lippy is a quick, easy way to add some Holiday cheer!

Related posts:

Why red lipstick can make you feel more empowered, more glam, and more awake

Foxy Chats: Red Lipstick

How to apply red lipstick that lasts through a drink, a feast and a kiss


26. White

If you were dreaming of a White Christmas and are feeling ripped off, here’s your chance to make amends.

Related posts:

How to wear lace when it’s not your wedding day

Closet Classic: The White Blazer


 27. Something new

If you scored something fab for Christmas there’s no better time to work it. Or, try a completely new way to wear an old fave.


28. On your head

Cowboy, beanie, baseball, fedora – pull it onto your noggin’ and wear with a grin.

 Related posts:

7 ways to wear a baseball cap without looking like you’re in the Little League

Bad hair day made good

Be a Cover-up Connoisseur with these Classic Hat & Sunglasses Combinations


29. Metallica

Gold, silver or bronze. Whichever you choose, it’ll be a winner.


30. Slick

Slick and sleek is a fast way to look polished. So smooth it down, and get ready to slide into 2015.

 Related posts:

The 1 Minute Quick, Slick, Hair trick

3 hairstyles with your hair straightener in less than 3 minutes


31. Sparkles!

Get your glitter on and shake those sequins for New Year’s Eve! Drinking sparkly bubbly stuff is, of course, mandatory. Happy New Year!

 Related posts:

How To Wear Sequins In The Daytime Without Looking Like A Gameshow Host


We’ll also be sharing handy tips, ideas and inspiration on site on FacebookTwitter and Instagram for that day’s challenge throughout DAREcember, so if you’re not following us already on your go-to social network, hook up with us now.”


we love to see your styling handiwork!

Seeing how everyone interprets the daily style challenges, and getting a peek into the day-to-day lives of women around the world, is a huge part of what makes the Fox in Flats Style Dares so fun. That’s why we’ll be sharing our daily faves around the interwebs for your sartorial enjoyment. Click here for some fun galleries created with photos other’s have shared while doing our Dares over the last three years.

And don’t be shy!

You’ll find that in doing this Style Dare and sharing your photos you’ll get so much more out if it than just style inspiration.

See what one of our past participants said about her experience in this touching post: 10 things I’ve learnt from uploading selfies on Instagram.


Share pics of your daily Style Dare efforts with us on the Fox in Flats Facebook page, on Twitter, or Instagram using #DAREcember @FoxinFlats”


This prompt-list is custom-built for Instagram to share with your followers so they know why the heck you’re suddenly posting selfies every day this month.

DAREcember Fox  in Flats Style Dare 2014


For Bloggers:

Here’s a button to pop on your sidebar to show you’re doing #DAREcember, and to encourage your readers to join in too. Simply right click to save and link it back to this post.

darecember blogger button fox in flats

If you blog about your #DAREcember efforts, let us know so we can read your posts and share the love around, and send trackbacks to www.FoxinFlats.com.au



And in keeping with the standard rules of any good Dare, if you’re too afraid to join in with DAREcember, we’ll call you ‘Chicken’!” 


Here’s to putting style back into the silly season. Have fun and good luck! 

baby hanger1 The 1 minute hairdo for thick, fine AND out of control hair

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