A virtual scrap-book for your cool things

Ever wished you could keep on file all of the amazing pictures, ideas and stories you find online? Then Pinterest might be a handy online tool for you.

Like a virtual scrap-book, you literally drag and drop images (and their online links) into your own personalised online portfolio.

It’s incredibly easy to set up, and you can start your collection by flicking through the files (known as ‘pins’) that have already been posted on the site.

And you can create whatever files you like, depending on what you’re into.

For me, I’ve got files for foxy flats (are you surprised?!), hair inspiration, cool accessories, beauty tips, fitness motivation, quotes I like, etc. and add to it most days when I find things online that light my fire.

Some of our Foxy Finds on Pinterest

I’ve seen other women create files for their upcoming kitchen renno, things to do with the kids, their dream holiday, gift ideas, inspiring quotes, or to plan their child’s party or their own wedding. The uses are endless.

Check out the Fox in Flats Pinterest here. And if you want to give it a go, create yours here.


What sort of dreamy files will you create?

baby hanger




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