12 Summer Wardrobe Essentials for One Hot Mama

The days are getting longer, the air is feeling warmer, and the skies are looking bluer. Hands up if you’re thrilled that summer’s on its way?!

If you haven’t done so already, it’s probably time to pull out your summer clothes from storage, and take stock of your wardrobe in preparation for the season ahead.

But of course this takes a little time, and a little planning – especially when you’ve got kids around.

My buddy Nicole, a mother of 5, knows a bit about planning with kids – so much so that she’s written a book and also has a website devoted to the topic. Check out Planning with Kids for some awesome tips for saving time, money, and keeping your sanity while managing a family.

And while you’re there, start planning your summer wardrobe with the Fox in Flats list of 12 Wardrobe Essentials that’ll get you through the summer in style.

Want more wardrobe basics? Check out 13 wardrobe essentials every mother can’t do without, 5 back to work essentials for every working mum, and for summer wardrobe updates,  7 easy-to-wear trends for a chic summer.


How’s that for a plan? 

Have you got anything special planned this summer? 

baby hanger1 Dare of the week: Wear something on your head


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