TUCKED IN THE TROLLEY: Pantene split end fuser


This new product was sent to me to try, and I reckon it’s worth tucking into your trolley.


It’s a leave-in hair treatment that you smooth over your split ends. It somehow fuses them back together again so your hair doesn’t have that frizzy, frayed appearance. Instead it looks smooth and healthy.


I’ve been using it over the last week because I had to skip my scheduled pre-Christmas trim to attend one of the little-one’s kindergarten parties that I’d forgotten about (oops!). My hair gets pretty dry at the ends, and was certainly due for a cut to get rid of the split-ends, yet I found that this product made my hair look like it’s in reasonable condition. In fact, I’m thinking this stuff will tide me over until I can fit in an appointment with the hairdresser again.


At $19.99 it’s not super inexpensive, but there are 10 little tubes in the pack and I’ve managed a few applications per tube, so it’s pretty good value.


Verdict: A handy hair solution for when you can’t quite fit your hairdressing appointment in.


Wondering… how often do you get your hair cut? Do you have a standing regular appointment, or do you do it on the fly?  

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