DARE you to be a Pin-Up for a whole week…!

The antique brooch your grandmother wore to your parents’ wedding.

The Cure badge you bought at your first concert.

That enamel pin you discovered in a thrift store.

And the precious lady-bug brooch your mum gave you when you were 5.

If you’re anything like me,  you’ve got loads of glittery and sentimental buttons, pins, brooches and badges – pin-able treasures you’ve acquired and kept, stashed in special places… yet for whatever reason, haven’t worn for ages.

A brooch pinned to highlight your favourite feature, a button with a cheeky slogan, or a pin that holds a story as much as it holds your hair, has the power to transform your outfit into something original. An outfit that’s impossible to replicate because it’s stamped with part of your own unique story.”


Cool, huh? And it leads us to the next Style Dare in our series of sartorial challenges, where we test our creativity and persistence to see if we can work a look, trend or item of clothing for an entire week. It’s all about shaking off our day-to-day uniforms, stepping out of our style comfort zones, and proving we’re not ‘Chicken’.


Who’s game for ‘The Pin-Up Dare’?

The rules for The Pin-up Dare:
  1. Pin at least one decorative item to any part of your outfit.
  2. Join in whenever you like, but to fully complete the Pin-Up Dare, you need to do it for 7 days straight.
  3. Tell us all about it as you go.


Need inspiration?

We’ve got 19 tips and ideas for rockin’ the Pin-Up Dare. Click here to see them all, but here’s a sample:



What’s the point of being a Pin-Up if there aren’t any pics to share?

We wanna see your week of brooches, buttons and badges!

It’s so fun and inspiring to see how everyone interprets a style dare, and you’ll no-doubt get some great ideas on how to wear your pin-worthy treasures, too.

So upload your photos in the Comments section below, or share them on FacebookTwitterInstagram  and of course Pinterest using @FoxInFlats#PinUpDare

If you’re blogging about your week doing the Pin-Up Dare, let us know so we can share it around. Who knows, you might even make our next Top 50 Style Dare Bloggers list!


For more tips, ideas and inspiration on how to wear your brooches, badges, and buttons, we’ve got 19 of the best, here.


So get rummaging into your treasures, ladies, and start pinning! 

baby hanger1 DARE you to throw a party all week…on your arm!


Subscribe DARE you to throw a party all week…on your arm!


 Missed out on the fabulous Style Dares we’ve run in the past? It’s not too late to try them. Click here, browse away and select a challenge that’ll take you out of your style comfort zone. Five bucks says you’ll be happy you did!

x Andrea