6 ways to store shoes

How many pairs of shoes do you own? If you had to duck into your closet to count them all because you know it’s a lot, then you’re not alone.

A survey of 3,000 women revealed that the average woman owns 19 pairs of shoes, which includes three heels; six pairs of flip-flops, sandals, ballet flats or wedges; three pairs of boots; two pairs of work shoes; four pairs of “foxy-style” shoes (their words, not mine!); and a “random” pair. Gulp!

With all these shoes floating around, it’s little wonder they are often found stored in piles at the bottom of closets, thrown into baskets, kicked off somewhere near the front door, or shoved in a pot plant (you’ll need to ask my son about that one…)

And I’m the first to be guilty of this. At last count, I’ve got 49 pairs, and up until recently they have resided in various shoe storage boxes, shelves, closets, plus all of the above random locations too.

So I teamed up with Freedom to find a better way of storing all those shoes. Here’s 6 ideas I spotted in store that’ll keep your shoes organised,  out of sight, and inevitability, in better condition than some of my own shoes that I’ve used in these photos.



1. Best for boots

A wider, lower shelf that’ll fit your ankle boots, and made with sturdy wooden slats that’ll keep the air circulating around all that leather. Croft Stackable Shoe Rack – Bamboo $39.95.


2. Best for heels

Heels will slip and fall through the cracks of a slatted shoe shelf. So look for storage with a flat base, and small holes for circulation. Stackable Shoe Rack $59.95.


3. Best if you’ve got extra hanging space

19 cm wide, these will store up to 10 pairs of shoes hanging vertically. Handy for wedges, sneakers, flats and flip-flops. Closet Max System Footwear Organiser $39.95.


4. Best for maximising space

Simply slide out sideways to fit the exact width of your closet. Monash 4 Tier Shoe Rack $49.95 (also comes in 2 Tier if your clothes hang down too low)


5. Best for flats

Shelving with a lower angle are good for flats, sneakers and wedges as they won’t slide off. Bravo Extendable 3 Tier Stacking Shoe Rack $29.95.


6. Best if you’re stuck for closet space

Store shoes inside a large, flat wicker basket with a swing-back lid to cover the clutter, and pop at the end of your bed for a pretty feature. Or if you bed allows, tuck it underneath to free up floor space. Maine Underbed Trunk $89.00.


Me? I’m now using a combination of 1), 3) and 4) from the above pics, and also a stack of clear plastic boxes from BenjiBox. And in my long boots I use Booty Shapers – inflatable plastic tubes that help keep their shape while in storage. Sometimes these tubes are also used as ‘light sabers’ by the boys when I’m not looking.


How many pairs of shoes do you have? And how do you store your shoes? Are you a stack ’em, box ’em kinda gal, or are they all in a jumble?

And where’s the weirdest place you’ve found a pair of your shoes? 

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Want more shoe love?

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