Winding up the year and winding down the window

Merry Christmas Fox in Flats

By Andrea Zanetich 

As I was writing out Christmas Cards last night, I mused how great it’d be if I could send cards to the people who pop by here each week.

Then I realised that while there’s a bunch of readers who interact on the site and in social media regularly, there’s also a lot who cruise by but never stop for a chat.

But whether you’re a non-chatty cruiser, or a regular who’s always up for a natter, a huge ‘Merry Christmas‘ to you all.”


And a massive Thankyou to you (yes, YOU!) for your support of Fox in Flats. It’s the coolest, most fun and rewarding job I’ve ever had, and it’s all thanks to you.


So as we wind up the year, I invite you to wind down your window and say ‘Hi’ in the Comments section below, so I can give you a wave and a friendly thumbs up in return.”

If you’d rather just toot your horn, that’s cool too 😉


Big love to you and your little teams back home,

x Andrea

baby hanger1 Youre just 2 clicks away from a new hairstyle!

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