“Put away your crayons kids, this one’s for Mama!”

By Andrea Zanetich

There’s something so soothingly cathartic about sitting with the little ones and colouring-in together.

Unfortunately,  the standard of most of the colour-in books I’ve seen leave me a little underwhelmed (I’m looking at you, Ben 10).

But the bar’s just been raised.

Now there’s a colour-in book from Hermes that’s a little more super-high-end/oh-wow/no-way/that’s-insane-but-in-a-good-way and it’s really blown my mind.

hermes colouring book

There’s even a page specifically for Foxes…


Hermes Les 4 Mondes, 24 page Colouring Book $175

(That’s right, one hundred and seventy five DOLLARS – eek!)

I hope they throw in a fistful of designer crayons with it…

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