What did you wear in your first ‘official’ outing with baby?

By Andrea Zanetich

By now the world knows the happy news that Kate Middleton, Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge, has safely given birth to a baby boy.

In the next 24 hours, it is expected she will emerge on the steps of the hospital for the newborn’s first photo opp. with media from around the globe, just as Diana did with baby William 31 years ago.

Baby Prince William

Diana with Prince William as a baby


Like most people, I’m keen to catch a glimpse of that new royal baby flesh. And for those of us who remember William being born and presented in a similar manner, there’ll be a bittersweet regret about the child’s grandmother not being there to cradle the newborn too.

That said, I’m also curious to see what Kate will wear for the first ‘official’ outing with her baby.”

It’s made me try to recall the first official outings I had after my babies were born. Try as I might, I can’t remember with my first child. Honestly, I think I was in shock and amazement for weeks, and that whole period of my life remains a blur.

I do however clearly remember the first official outing with my second baby.

It was just 2 weeks after he was born and we took him and my then two year old on a day trip to Luna Park. I remember being so proud, and feeling so competent and confident, as I sat watching my husband and son on the dodgem cars while cradling that newborn in my arms, wrapped up snug and warm against me.

A woman in her 60s was sitting nearby and leaned over to get a glimpse of my baby, which I shared with an ear-splitting grin like I was revealing the world’s greatest treasure. She asked me how old he was. But when I told her, she fixed me with a disapproving raised eyebrow, saying “In my culture, we don’t let the women go out in public with their babies until they are at least three months old!

Whatever. My second son, now a robust 5-year-old, has become a huge fan of dodgem cars, and is kicking to get on a roller coaster. And I think it’s obvious why.


Here’s what I wore that day on my baby’s first official outing:

Andreas first outing with baby

In the playground under Sydney Harbour Bridge before our visit to Luna Park. 

I wore flat knee-high boots, stretch maternity pants (because those Sass & Bides were no were near close to fitting yet!) black nursing tank, and another tank layered over the top, plus a light-weight poncho which came in handy to be discreet while breastfeeding in public. Which, yup, I did. Probably somewhere near those dodgem cars :).




What did you wear for your baby’s first official outing?

And how long did it take for you to get out amongst it with your newborn? 

I’d love to see your photos. Share below, on FacebookTwitter or Instagram @FoxinFlats #BabysFirstOuting


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