The 5 most surprisingly popular posts of 2013

By Andrea Michelle

..and why so surprising? This blog is, at it’s heart about style and beauty: quick tips and ideas to make it easier to look good. But these posts were all either opinion pieces, posts written from the heart and with an open heart, or topics that touched a sensitive spot and generated intelligent discussion between readers.

What not to say to someone who’s trying to have a baby

I’ll admit, I was a little nervous about tackling such a sensitive topic as I wanted to be careful not to upset anyone who was facing this challenge. But I enlisted the help of three friends who have faced this situation head on, and with their generosity and openness, was able to craft this post that generated some of the most heartwarming, helpful (and heartbreaking) comments of the year.

Click here to read.

what not to say to someone trying to have a baby fertility infertility


Talking Mum-to-Mum with Sarah Murdoch

It’s unsurprising that an interview with the stunning and kind Mrs Murdoch was so popular per se. But what was surprising is how this came about. I was driving to a breakfast event where she was speaking, and mused to myself how amazing it would be to sit down with her for a chat. And just like that, I made up my mind to ask her ‘people’ for the opportunity. Because, why not?! Within minutes after asking the question, I found myself sitting next to her on a couch chatting to her about shapewear, birthday cakes for school, and the best advice she’s received about motherhood. She even shoo’ed away her people who were tap-tapping their watches to get her to head to her next engagement, saying she wanted to chat with me longer. Yup, I was surprised. In a good way.

Click here to read the interview.

Sarah Murdoch chats with Fox in Flats Andrea Zanetich


“Women these days are so ambitious and can’t wait to off-load their kids to childcare.”

Words I never thought I’d see written anywhere these days, least of all on the Fox in Flats Facebook page. Yet this was said on our page by someone within the context of a thread about the ever escalating cost of childcare, and clearly aimed at women who choose to put their kids in childcare.

Our page exploded that day with a bunch of intelligent, fair-minded women joining into the discussion, and the conversation then continued in this post.. Discussing this topic raised so much great dialogue and was incredibly inspiring to hear the measured and empathetic thoughts of most. I went to bed that night feeling SO proud of the intellect in our little community.

Click here to read.women and childcare


Mother’s Day (When There is No Mum)

I banged out this post in the early hours of a morning and swiftly pressed ‘publish’ before I could chicken out. I like to keep most really personal things off the internet, but in this instance I wanted to share my feelings about such a special day. Because sometimes it’s helpful to open up for the sake of your own heart. And because sometimes, sharing your own pain can help others in a similar situation. Some of the comments on the post are testament to that, and I also received a bunch of lovely emails and messages from readers sharing their own stories. The post was noticed by the guys at ABC radio, and I chatted to them about it live on Mother’s Day – you can hear that here. Am still amazed I got through that interview without shedding any tears.

Click here to read that post.

Happy Mothers Day Fox in Flats

27 Ways To Get Back Up When You’re Feeling Down

Filled with useful, realistic and fun tips from the readers of Fox in Flats.

Click here for a dose of happy.

ways to get up when you're feeling down


A huge thankyou to everyone who popped by to Fox in Flats in 2013. You surprise and delight me daily.


What post from Fox in Flats did you enjoy most this year?

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