Why exercising makes you a great mother

The greatest gift you can give your children is being there for them. And put simply, the healthier you are, the longer you’ll be around.

Here, three Fox in Flats readers share why exercise and getting active is worth making time for.


Having a positive attitude to health & exercise helps instill that foundation into my daughters for their future.” Perth, WA

You’ll have more energy to deal with the constant demands of your kids, and it’s really the only way to lose the baby weight. I finally got around to going to the gym and putting the kids in the crèche and WISH I had done it sooner.” Glenelg, SA

It’s important to try to eat healthily and get outdoors – the kids love it, too.” Woollongong, NSW

Need more motivation t0 exercise?

Check out 9 ways to find your exercise mojo now you’re a mum.

If you’re struggling to find time to fit exercise into your daily routine, click over to 5 ways to find time to exercise when you’re flat out with the kids, which is full of practical tips on how to make it happen.

Or, if you’re happy to keep making excuses for not exercising, at least know you’re not alone. Join our confessional: Reasons I didn’t exercise this week. I’ve listed mine there, and I’ve had a few…

Has your attitude toward exercise changed since you’ve had children? And if you’re getting active, do you do it for yourself or for the kids? 

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