How To Get Swishy, Shiny and Bouncy Hair

Swishy shiny bouncy hair andrea Fox in Flats for Schwarzkopf

‘Swishy.’ ‘Shiny.’ ‘Bouncy.’ If the Seven Dwarves ever expand their clan to include three height-challenged women with beautiful hair, that’s what I reckon they’d be named.

I can vividly imagine Swishy marching along with the others, tossing her hair happily, oblivious to the way it was gently tickling Grumpy’s frown, turning it upside down.

Shiny’s hair would be gleaming so brightly that Sleepy had to start wearing an eyemask.

Bouncy’s hair would be bobbing along in tune to “Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it’s off to work we go.”

And what all three of them would have in common is great big smiles on their faces because they have such beautiful hair.

I’m grateful when my hair manages to be any one of these things, let alone all three, because having beautiful hair doesn’t come easily for me. So I chatted with Grant Withnell, the National Technical Educator at Schwarzkopf, who shared some great tips for getting Swishy, Shiny, Bouncy hair.


shiny hair


“The best thing for shiny hair is to use a leave-in product such as Schwarzkopf Extra Care Ultimate Oil Elixir Serum. It’ll leave the hair shaft flat, which will then reflect light,” shared Grant.

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swishy hair


“For swishy hair, use foundation products like Schwarzkopf Extra Care Heidi’s Heat Styles Mousse. Applied when your hair is wet, it’ll give volume and body, but will allow your hair to move naturally once the hair is dried off.”

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bouncy hair


“And to keep hold of a curl when you’re wanting bouncy hair, apply Schwarzkopf taft Full On Guardian Angel Straightening Iron Spray to wet hair before blow-drying smooth, and then curling with a GHD or a hot curling iron. Follow with a light mist of hairspray like Schwarzkopf Extra Care Volume Power Hairspray which will help retain the curl, but will still allow movement and bounce.”

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Look out Snow White, you may no longer be the fairest of them of them all!


What type of hair makes you feel most beautiful? Swishy, shiny, or bouncy? 

And whaddya say – should these three be made honorary members of the Seven Dwarves?  


baby hanger1 The 1 minute hairdo for thick, fine AND out of control hair

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