
Content Validity

The information and resources provided on this site are true as far as we know when we hit the ‘publish’ button.

Fox in Flats is not responsible, however, as an expert of any kind and cannot be held accountable for what you do with the content, or any fashion crimes you may commit as a result.

Content Accuracy

The content is as accurate as possible for a mother of two who has, in the past, been called a perfectionist (in a shouty voice by her ex husband).

External Links

If a link on the site is messed up or goes somewhere strange like this or if some freaky site links to us and you know about it, please let us know so we can fix it.

Photos and Images

Some of the images on the site are from other sources. If they belong to you and you don’t want us to use them, please contact us and we will remove them straight away.

The photos by Fox in Flats remain the property of Fox in Flats, but contact us if you would like to use them on your site. We like to share.

Fox in Flats is not responsible for any harm caused by the images or if they offend your fashion tastes in any way. If there is a photo of you on the site that you would rather was not here, let us know. Perhaps it was a bad hair day for you and you don’t want to share it with the cyber world? We understand, and have been there, too.

Libel, Defame or Harm

Fox in Flats will not be held liable for its content, which is based on personal opinion only and is definitely not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organisation, company or person, or anyone or thing. Seriously, we are not mean, and do not intend to harm or hurt anyone’s feelings in any way. Bad Karma for sure.

Let’s face it, you have to suffer for fashion. But if you are harmed or injured in any way in your pursuit of style, we are not responsible.

Comment Policy

Think of Fox in Flats like a playground. Play fair and play nice.

We are not responsible, nor will we be held liable for any comments submitted and/or published through the comments section, nor the laws they may break – fashion based or otherwise – due to their content, implication, and/or intent. Besides that, we have a “delete comment” button and are not afraid to use it.

Advertising and Sponsorship

This site contains affiliate links and sponsored articles. With our readers we’ll be transparent about what content is paid for, and our opinions will always be honest.

If you’d like to share your brand with the readers of Fox in Flats, check ways to collaborate and advertise here.